
How to Stay Married and Stay in Ministry

Being married when you have a job is hard. It’s even more of a challenge when you’re a pastor. Here’s a few ways that you can have a successful marriage and survive in ministry.

How Ministry Will Test Your Marriage

Hear me if you are a young minister considering marriage—pastoral ministry is not a Norman Rockwell painting. Pastoral ministry will test the very bonds of your covenant marriage many times. 

Measuring the Success of Your Marriage Ministry

One of the biggest challenges of marriage ministry is that it’s important, but not urgent. How then do you measure the success of your marriage ministry?

5 Solutions to Providing Childcare at Your Next Marriage Event

One of the biggest things preventing couples from attending marriage events is childcare. But this can be a tough service to provide. Here are five places you can rely on for childcare at your next event.

How to Work with Your Church’s Communications Staff

During one of our recent marriage ministry webinars, a church leader asked how she could better work with the communications staff at her church. She was having trouble getting marriage content added to the website and social media. Maybe this is a challenge you can...

4 Reasons Why Your Church Needs a Marriage Ministry

Imagine if you coupled an active faith with an intentional focus on keeping marriages in your church strong. If the numbers go up when people take their faith seriously, imagine how they would skyrocket if they actually turned specific attention to improving their marriage.

Join us for a Marriage Ministry Gathering

Working in ministry can be a lonely endeavor, especially when you work as a field as small as marriage ministry. We try to help cultivate community with things like our webinars and Facebook group. But digital connections only go so far.

Introducing the New MarriedPeople Monthly

At MarriedPeople, we’re all about providing couples less content, more often. Rather than dumping a year’s worth of marriage content on them during an annual retreat or sermon series, we’d prefer to share practical advice for their marriage on a consistent basis.

What a Strong Marriage Ministry Should Look Like

I thought I’d write a different kind of post. I’d like to sketch out what I think a church with a strong marriage ministry would look like, and then I’d invite you to share your thoughts, in the hope that this could be a resource page or a springboard for discussion for churches that want to be more intentional about supporting the marriages.

6 Things Marriage Teaches You About Leadership

I once spent a day with a group of ministry friends and mentors. All of whom have been leading their organizations for a long time. We had a heartfelt conversation about the challenges of leading in the same organization for most of our adult lives. As I processed our day together, I realized there are common denominators between leadership and marriage.


Every month, we’re profiling a church leader just like you. This month, we’re featuring Dave Safstrom. Dave has been on a Groups Team Leader at LCBC in Lancaster, PA, for the last five years.

Reaching Married Couples Using Social Media

More and more people get their information from Facebook and Instagram these days. You want to take advantage of this and capture their attention. But you don’t know how to start. Or you don’t have the time to figure it out.

How I Discovered My Sweet Spot in Leadership

Ask others you work with if they think you’re in the right spot. Ask your boss for his or her thoughts on your ministry sweet spot. Ask how you can grow, and when they respond, be teachable, humble and don’t be defensive. If you’’re married, ask your spouse the same questions you asked your boss.

Why MarriedPeople is a Partnership, Not a Product

Here at MarriedPeople, we like to say that we’re a partnership, not just a product. But why? What does that really mean? What’s the difference? Glad you asked. This is still a new concept for us. So we thought we’d put together a blog post explaining what that means and why you should care.


Every month, we’re profiling a church leader just like you. This month, we’re featuring Rev. Monica Humpal. Monica has been the Associate Pastor of Grow Ministries at Williamson’s Chapel United Methodist in Mooresville, NC for the last six years.

7 Paradigm Shifts Happening in Marriage Ministry

Studies show that people think of marriage ministry as preachy, outdated, and overly feminine. We’ve lost our relevance in people’s lives. But there are some shifts happening in some ministries that are changing how they approach marriage ministry.

Behind the Scenes of the MarriedPeople Podcast

In case you didn’t already know, we have a podcast exclusively for married couples. Every week, we publish a new post focused on a relevant marriage topic. Our goal is to explore a question that real couples have, expose the truth behind the issue, and give everyone one simple thing to do to improve their marriage.

Escape from Content Mountain

Through the years, I’ve learned that if you teach people less, they will actually learn more. This principle may seem counter-intuitive. It’s a principle that’s rarely applied, especially within ministry to married couples. When it comes to helping marriages, the church is content heavy and application light.

LEADER PROFILE: Everett & Kim Kvamme

Every month, we want to profile a church leader just like you. This month, we're featuring Everett & Kim Kvamme. Everett and Kim have been serving together at the Lighthouse Christian Center in Seattle, Wash., for the last 14 years. What's your favorite part of the...