Speaker: Matt Engle
- One of my brothers, came from Judah with some other men, and I questioned them about the people who had survived the exile, and also about the city, Jerusalem. They said to me, “The people who survived the exile and are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of the city is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” When I heard these things, I sat down and wept.” —Nehemiah 1:1-4
- Church Statistics
- 80 % of churches plateaued or declining
- 23% of Americans are “nones”
- 3 million people leave the organized church each year
- 59% of millennials raised in church have dropped out
- To understand the change that is happening we need to understand three big ideas
- Big Data
- Predictive Analytics
- Precision Messaging
- Big Data: extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions
- Where does Big Data come from? In the next 60 seconds:
- 70,017 hours watched on Netflix
- $752,522 spent on Amazon
- 3.5 million search queries on Google
- 16 million text messages sent
- 1.8 million Snapchats created
- 452,000 Tweets sent
- 46,200 photos uploaded to Instagram
- 4.1 million videos viewed on YouTube
- 900,000 logins to Facebook
- 156 million emails sent
- Big data can show us what we have never been able to see before.
- With big data: correlation does not equal causation (but it doesn’t really matter).
- Big Data shows us “what” not necessarily “why”
- Big Data and Zacchaeus
- First party data: he was short, climbed a tree, athletic and fit
- Second party data: Male, Jewish, Tax Collector, Chief Tax Collector, Income 1%, Homeowner
- Big Data: he wanted to see Jesus
- Predictive Analytics
- Predictive Analytics help churches use data to inform their mission
- People who are doing “A” have done “B”, “F”, “Z” in the past.
- People who are currently doing “B”, “F”, “Z” are most likely to do “A” in the future.
- Precision Messaging
- Motivations give insight into the why behind the actions, behaviors, and decision making of your selected audience.
- The right message to the right person at the right time…on the right device
- Relationship is key to growth; Engagement is key to Relationship!
- Know your city and people from Big Data and engagement

Married People exists to help your church help marriages. We provide resources, training, and community to church leaders who work with marriages and families.