
Marriage ministry can be awesome.
It can be fun.
It can be challenging.
It can be lonely.

The MarriedPeople team wants to help you navigate all of it, and surround you with people who are like-minded as well. That’s why we think attending the Orange Conference 2017 is a really, really good thing for those of you who are helping marriages.

Here are the marriage ministry breakouts we have planned for OC17. Find the ones that fit where you are and what you need. And our team will also be around, either at breakouts or in the Orange booth, to answer questions during the conference. You can also connect and meet your MarriedPeople Orange Specialist, Nancy Squires (who is really quite wonderful).

We hope to see you there!

OC 17 Breakouts

Our Best Us
Timeslot: Workshop 1
Room: Room 15
Speaker: Ted Lowe
Track: MarriedPeople
Are you married and on staff or volunteering at your church? For this breakout, take off your ministry hat. This breakout is about being a husband or a wife. This breakout is about helping you and your spouse become your best US—not a replica of another couple, but the US God intended you two to be. Ted Lowe, author and director of MarriedPeople, will give you some practical tools to help you and your spouse keep your eyes on each other in the midst of life and ministry.

Using One Night Events to Reach Your Neighbors
Timeslot: Workshop 2
Room: Room 15
Speaker: Ted Lowe
Track: MarriedPeople
You have a great church and great people, but not everyone wants to come to your church on Sunday. It’s not personal. It’s just not their thing. But your church can still reach your neighbors because while they may not be sure how they feel about church, they do know how they feel about their marriage . . . they want it to be great! And with an authentic, fun-filled night with relevant teaching, your church can help marriages in your church AND your community.

MarriedPeople Interactive
Timeslot: Workshop 4
Room: Room 15
Speaker: Ted Lowe
Track: MarriedPeople
When it comes to marriage, every day is full of challenges and victories. And to be honest, just getting out the door Sunday morning can put most marriages to the test. That’s why you need MarriedPeople, the marriage division of Orange! Join us to explore the three facets of the MarriedPeople strategy and curriculum: inspiring large groups, empowering small groups, and equipping individual couples. You’ll leave with well-tested, practical ideas for creating and maintaining a proactive marriage ministry in your church.

Marriage Ministry: Your Toughest Audience—Singles, Millennials & Military
Timeslot: Breakout C
Speaker: Ted Lowe and guests
Track: Married People
Every area of ministry has its challenges, and marriage ministry is no exception. How do you talk about marriage in a way that appeals to the men in your church without isolating the women (and vice versa)? How do you help military families who experience extended times apart? How do you appeal to millennials, while also engaging older couples? And what about singles—how do you talk about marriage without neglecting these vital members of your congregation? Join us in this breakout, as Ted Lowe and guests tackle these questions like these and more.

The MarriedPeople Strategy: Whys and Hows 
Speaker: Coming Soon 
Track: Married People 
MarriedPeople is the marriage division of Orange. It’s a foundational Orange concept that what happens at home is just as important as what happens at church. We get that with kids, but it’s also true for the married couples in your church. Because as any married couple can tell—disconnection happens easily, connection takes intention. Your church can be strategic in helping couples connect. This breakout will walk you through some ways your church can be marriage heroes and impact couples inside your church and in your neighborhood.

Come join us at The Orange Conference 2017 and find out how your church can help marriages—for couples inside the walls of your church and your neighbors!