
Planning a Valentine’s or MarriedPeople event in the next couple of weeks? Make sure your decor is both man and woman friendly. It sets the tone. It lets couples know that you have their back, and, especially for guys, it lets them know that you created this event with them in mind too.

At our Marriage Ministry One Day event in November, we asked one of our MarriedPeople partners and decor gurus, Archie Rish, to decorate the tables for the event. He came up with some great ideas utilizing items from the Dollar Store, Walmart, and a few other sources.

So look over these images. Be inspired. And come up with some ideas that fit  the couples in your church and your community.


(hint: this is just blocks of wood and 4US cards from the US Strategy Pack)

80s theme

yes, that’s a real cake . . . and it was delicious!

painted footballs, can of boiled peanuts (it’s a Southern thing), box of Cracker Jack’s

jars of candy and 4US cards from the US Strategy Pack

painted globe, 4US cards, a piece of wood, and maps

coffee urn, coffee cups from the Dollar Store, coffee beans scattered about——the table smelled so good!

We would love to see some of your decor ideas as well. Post them in the comments section or on our MarriedPeople Facebook page.