
Sometimes help is closer than you realize.

If you’’ve purchased a MarriedPeople Strategy Pack, you have some great resources to implement a marriage strategy in your church, and even in your community.

But in the mass of videos and documents and graphics and other files, there is a one resource you may have missed. One that may be exactly what you need to figure out how all of this works in your particular church—the MarriedPeople Orange Specialist.

MarriedPeople wants to help church leaders succeed as they help marriages, not just give them another resource. One of the best ways is to help leaders connect with their Orange Specialist, better known as the MarriedPeople OS.

Not every church is the same. Some churches are big, some are small. Some are in a building, some are portable. Some are in the city, some in the suburbs, some in rural areas. And while we create the Strategy Pack to work in all those settings, some times you just need a little help figuring out the how for your particular setting.

So what does a MarriedPeople OS have to offer you, the church leader?

  1. A wealth of information. They talk to A LOT of leaders, people who have been there, done that. They can pass along some “best practices” not only from their own experience, but also from the experiences of other leaders. They can share marriage ministry trends. They can even help you customize the MarriedPeople resources to fit into the culture of individual churches.
  2. A network of marriage ministry leaders. The MarriedPeople OS can connect church leaders to other leaders in their region who are using MarriedPeople resources. When church leaders connect to other church leaders, their ministries can thrive as they encourage and support one another.
  3. A strategist for marriage ministry. They can help leaders implement the MarriedPeople Strategy. They can talk through ways to best integrate the resources into the culture of the church. They can help develop a plan to cast the vision for the church’s marriage ministry.
  4. Orange information. Your OS eats, sleeps, and breathes the Orange strategy. If the church leader has a question regarding the Orange strategy or other Orange curriculums, the MarriedPeople OS can answer it. If they don’’t know the answer, they won’’t leave the leader hanging. They will get the answer for them.
  5. Administrative Assistance. Your MarriedPeople Orange Specialist can help you find files, change passwords, add users, and find invoices. Need to sign up for the Orange Conference, Orange Tour, or renew a subscription? They can help with these and many other tasks. All you have to do is ask.

The MarriedPeople Orange Specialist team wants to connect with you! They want to help leaders create wins in their marriage ministries. Don’’t miss out on this resource that is only a call or email away.

Email info@marriedpeople.org to get connected today, or simply select the envelope icon in the upper right corner when you log into your MarriedPeople account.