
Because we care about our church partners and want to emphasize our incredible community, we’re introducing something new. Each month, we’re profiling a church leader just like you. This month, we’re featuring Stephanie Porter.

Stephanie has been the Director of Next Generations and Family Ministries at Eagle Rock Baptist Church in Los Angeles, Calif., for the last three years.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

The best part of my job is loving people! And I get the opportunity to do that often.

What are some challenges you face at your church?

Our biggest challenges at Eagle Rock Baptist are often staff disconnect and competing systems. Things many churches can probably relate to.

How has MarriedPeople changed how your church works with married couples?

After using MarriedPeople, our marriage ministry went from an after thought to an intentional effort. We went from reacting to couples in crisis to having a proactive strategy.

What’s one helpful tip you’d like to share with other church leaders?

Don’t be afraid to try something new!

Are there any other helpful resources you’d recommend people check out?

Want to be featured on the blog?

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